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262 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tiempos líquidos

BAUMAN, Zygmunt
Tiempos líquidos

La expresión «tiempos líquidos», acuñada por el gran sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman, da cuenta con precisión del tránsito de una modernidad «sólida» ?estable, repetitiva? a una «líquida» ?flexible, voluble?, en la que las estructuras sociales ya no perduran el tiempo necesario ni pueden servir como marcos de referencia para la acción humana. Pero la...

CHF 21.00

Fragmente meines Lebens

Bauman, Zygmunt / Wagner, Izabela / Kömen, Ursula
Fragmente meines Lebens
Das lange Leben von Zygmunt Bauman spiegelt die europäisch-jüdische Geschichte des letzten Jahrhunderts. 1925 im polnischen Posen geboren, floh seine jüdische Familie 1939 in die Sowjetunion, wo er ein Internat besuchte und sein Studium begann. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kehrte er als sowjetischer Polit-Offizier nach Polen zurück. Er wurde wegen »zionistischer Positionen« seines Vaters 1953 aus dem Dienst entlassen. 1954 wurde er Dozent, späte...

CHF 40.90

Theory and Society

Bauman, Zygmunt / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Palmer, Jack / Davis, Mark / Campbell, Thomas P.
Theory and Society
The breadth and depth of Zygmunt Bauman‿s engagement with social theory and the history of social thought has perhaps been underestimated, in part because many of his early writings were in Polish and never translated into English, and in part because many important pieces appeared in edited volumes and journals that are not readily available. This volume brings together hitherto unknown or rare pieces by Bauman on the theme of theory and soci...

CHF 33.90

Theory and Society

Bauman, Zygmunt / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Palmer, Jack / Davis, Mark / Campbell, Thomas P.
Theory and Society
The breadth and depth of Zygmunt Bauman‿s engagement with social theory and the history of social thought has perhaps been underestimated, in part because many of his early writings were in Polish and never translated into English, and in part because many important pieces appeared in edited volumes and journals that are not readily available. This volume brings together hitherto unknown or rare pieces by Bauman on the theme of theory and soci...

CHF 89.00

History and Politics

Bauman, Zygmunt / Davis, Mark / Palmer, Jack / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Campbell, Thomas P / Bartoszynska, Katarzyna
History and Politics
A victim of the Nazis, then the Communists. Twice a refugee, yet always remaining a committed socialist. In countless ways, Zygmunt Bauman lived the political upheavals of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He was an actor within them. Bauman's own lived history informed his politics, which found expression in varying degrees in his sociology, as he wrote extensively on socialism, democracy, bureaucracy, morality, Europe, and the Jewish...

CHF 89.00

History and Politics

Bauman, Zygmunt / Davis, Mark / Palmer, Jack / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Campbell, Thomas P. / Bartoszynska, Katarzyna
History and Politics
A victim of the Nazis, then the Communists. Twice a refugee, yet always remaining a committed socialist. In countless ways, Zygmunt Bauman lived the political upheavals of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He was an actor within them. Bauman's own lived history informed his politics, which found expression in varying degrees in his sociology, as he wrote extensively on socialism, democracy, bureaucracy, morality, Europe, and the Jewish...

CHF 32.50

My Life in Fragments

Bauman, Zygmunt / Wagner, Izabela
My Life in Fragments
Zygmunt Bauman was one of the great social thinkers of our time: inventor of the idea of liquid modernity, he transformed our way of thinking about the social conditions shaping our lives today. His own life was shaped by the great social forces that scarred the second half of the 20th century - war, communism, anti-Semitism, forced migration. His work bears the traces of an outsider who knew all-too-well the enormous impact that social and po...

CHF 35.50

Making the Familiar Unfamiliar

Bauman, Zygmunt / Haffner, Peter / Steuer, Daniel
Making the Familiar Unfamiliar
Shortly before his death, Zygmunt Bauman spent several days in conversation with the Swiss journalist Peter Haffner. Out of these conversations emerged this book in which Bauman shows himself to be the pre-eminent social thinker for which he became world renowned, a thinker who never shied away from addressing the great issues of our time and always strove to interrogate received wisdom and common sense, to make the familiar unfamiliar. As in...

CHF 29.50

Making the Familiar Unfamiliar

Bauman, Zygmunt / Haffner, Peter / Steuer, Daniel
Making the Familiar Unfamiliar
Shortly before his death, Zygmunt Bauman spent several days in conversation with the Swiss journalist Peter Haffner. Out of these conversations emerged this book in which Bauman shows himself to be the pre-eminent social thinker for which he became world renowned, a thinker who never shied away from addressing the great issues of our time and always strove to interrogate received wisdom and common sense, to make the familiar unfamiliar. As in...

CHF 86.00

Liquid Fear - Fließende Angst

Bauman, Zygmunt
Liquid Fear - Fließende Angst
Wir leben im Zeitalter der Angst - höchste Zeit, den Klassiker von Zygmunt Bauman zu lesen, der hier endlich zum ersten Mal deutsch vorliegt. Viele Katastrophen haben wir schon hinter uns, an die Fernsehbilder haben wir uns gewöhnt, aber die Anatomie der Ängste, die Misere der Moderne hat sich nicht verändert. Im Gegenteil: Die Gedanken von Bauman haben nichts von ihrem Gewicht verloren, sie sind heute, da die von ihm dargestellten Mechanismen...

CHF 30.50

Culture and Art

Bauman, Zygmunt / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Campbell, Thomas C. / Davis, Mark / Palmer, Jack / Bartoszynska, Katarzyna
Culture and Art
The sociological imagination and the artistic imagination have been historically intertwined, at once reciprocal and conflicting, complementary and tensional. This connection is nowhere more apparent than in the work of Zygmunt Bauman. His conception and practice of sociology was always infused with a literary and artistic imagination. He wrote extensively on the relationship between sociology and the arts, and especially on sociology and lite...

CHF 32.50

Culture and Art

Bauman, Zygmunt / Brzezinski, Dariusz / Campbell, Thomas C. / Davis, Mark / Palmer, Jack / Bartoszynska, Katarzyna
Culture and Art
The sociological imagination and the artistic imagination have been historically intertwined, at once reciprocal and conflicting, complementary and tensional. This connection is nowhere more apparent than in the work of Zygmunt Bauman. His conception and practice of sociology was always infused with a literary and artistic imagination. He wrote extensively on the relationship between sociology and the arts, and especially on sociology and lite...

CHF 88.00

Dialektik der Ordnung

Bauman, Zygmunt
Dialektik der Ordnung
Der Holocaust wurde inmitten der modernen Gesellschaft konzipiert und durchgeführt, in einer hochentwickelten Zivilisation und im Umfeld außergewöhnlicher kultureller Leistungen, er muss daher als Problem dieser Gesellschaft, Zivilisation und Kultur betrachtet werden.

CHF 30.50


Bauman, Zygmunt / Bauman
Freedom is a concept central to many of the social sciences. This book explores the social production of 'free agents', and the intimate connection between this process and the issues of systemic integration and social control.

CHF 57.50

Wieder allein

Bauman, Zygmunt / Hauptfeld, Georg
Wieder allein
Ethisch denken, sich eine gemeinsame und nachvollziehbare Ethik geben, kann man das? Mit dem Zerfall der alten Ideologien und dem damit einhergehenden Verlust von Werten und Gewissheiten, worauf lässt sich heute noch eine Ethik gründen? In diesem leidenschaftlichen Text bietet der berühmte Philosoph die überzeugende Antwort.

CHF 17.90

Liquid Surveillance

Bauman, Zygmunt / Lyon, David / Grootveld, Menno
Liquid Surveillance
Vandaag de dag worden de kleinste details van ons dagelijks leven nauwlettender dan ooit gevolgd en in de gaten gehouden, en degenen die worden gemonitord werken dikwijls bereidwillig samen met degenen die hen bespieden. In dit boek stuit de surveillance-analyse van David Lyon op de vloeibare moderne wereld, die zo inzichtvol uiteen is gezet door Zygmunt Bauman. Staan we op de drempel van een kwalijke toekomst, waarin al onze gangen ieder mome...

CHF 31.90

Il ritorno dell'estraneo

Bauman, Zygmunt / De Pascale, M.
Il ritorno dell'estraneo
L'ambiguità esperienziale della città postmoderna si riflette nell'ambivalenza postmoderna dell'estraneo, il quale ha due facce: una è seducente perché misteriosa, alletta, promette godimento senza chiedere patti di fedeltà, è la faccia delle opportunità infinite, dei piaceri mai provati, di avventure sempre nuove. L'altra faccia è altrettanto misteriosa, ma quello che traspare dalle sue fattezze è un mistero inquietante, minaccioso e intimida...

CHF 10.90